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빨래 널기 photographed by ARAM LEE email : piggyram@gmail.com 더보기
lense through POI – children _2 photographed by 포이동 인연 공부방 친구들 original file request _ twiw49@gmail.com 더보기
lense through POI - children photographed by 포이동 인연 공부방 친구들 original file request _ twiw49@gmail.com 더보기
당신이 부순 것 당신이 부순 것 / 201110 / 포이동 #poidong http://torirun.blog.me/40141322614 당신이 부순 건 비단 건물만은 아닐 것 박김형준 : http://torirun.blog.me torirun@hanmail.net 더보기
201109.24 MOBILE WONDUMAK _ REAL part.2. _ with 포이동 Youngchul Jang & Howard Jiho kim + 한별샘, 대규샘, 명화샘, 아람샘 + 광화문 내수동 교회 ( 박선영, 김석훈, 조신기, 안성만, 지현근, 나정주, 정기웅, 노선옥) photographed by ARAM LEE email : piggyram@gmail.com 더보기
201109.18/19 MOBILE WONDUMAK _ REAL part.1. _ with 포이동 Youngchul Jang & Howard Jiho kim 20110917/18 photographed by Dooho Kim, Photo Journalist / Getty Images Artist Agence France-Presse Stringer Photographer email : visionstyler@gmail.com http:// www.visionstyler.com Flickr : http://www.flickr.com/photos/titicat 더보기
20110829 MOBILE WONDUMAK _ MOCK UP with 포이동 Youngchul Jang & Howard Jiho kim photographer _ ARAM LEE _ raamram.aram@nontemporary.org 더보기
20110821 MOBILE WONDUMAK _ MOCK UP WORKSHOP with 포이동 Youngchul Jang & Howard Jiho kim photographer _ ARAM LEE _ raamram.aram@nontemporary.org 더보기
20110805 MOBILE WONDUMAK _ MOCK UP WORKSHOP with 포이동공부방 & Youngchul Jang & Howard Jiho kim photographer _ ARAM LEE _ raamram.aram@nontemporary.org 더보기
고추말리기 고추말리기 / 201109 / 포이동 박김형준 : http;//torirun.blog.me torirun@hanmail.net 더보기